We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely 新武器研发的费用总是大大超支,却还要试图让纳税人出钱资助,我们应该制止这一荒谬至极的行为。
Congress will have to decide how to finance the remaining costs. 国会将决定怎样为剩余的费用提供资金。
Mismanaged finance imposes fiscal costs that are not far short of world wars. 金融管理不善造成的财政代价,并不比世界大战带来的损失少很多。
Fourth, the financial crisis and the recession are the immediate cyclical reasons for the disarray in public finance, but these pale next to the structural costs of age-related public spending, which are starting to rise relentlessly. 第四,金融危机和衰退是公共财政紊乱的直接周期性原因,但这些比不上与年龄相关的公共开支这种结构性成本,后者正开始无情地上升。
Regulatory filings show that the programme has required him to invest at least$ 380m since 2007 to finance his share of the drilling costs. 监管部门获得的文件显示,从2007年起,这一项目要求他至少投资了3.8亿美元,作为他应该分担的钻探成本。
Bond sales to corporations, governments, and private individuals, Clay reasoned, would finance most of the costs of building the IHS without adding to the federal budget or the national debt. 克莱的推断是,这些由公司企业、各国政府以及个人认购的债券将可满足建造州际高速公路所需的资金,从而不会增加联邦预算或国债。
Despite cost increases caused by external factors, the group managed to maintain recurrent administrative and finance costs at stable levels. 尽管外在因素令成本增加,集团仍能将行政和财务开支维持在稳定水平。
The grant will help finance short-term costs of importing essential goods and commodities, pay teachers 'salaries and state water and electricity bills. 这笔赠款将帮助负担进口主要货物与商品的短期支出,支付教师工资与国家的水电开支。
Initially, the accumulators represented a way to finance those costs, while providing a cushion against a weakening of the Australian currency. 中信泰富起初是想通过购买累计期权合约来支付那些费用,并对冲澳元汇率走低产生的经营风险。
Finance costs are collected over the term of the loan. 贷款期间要收取财务费用。
And then there is the ever-present imponderable: the possible need, at some point, to finance the horrendous costs of reunification with destitute North Korea when that state collapses. 而且无法衡量的事物还会始终存在:某一天,当赤贫的朝鲜倒台后,朝鲜半岛重新团结所耗费的海量资金需求。
He warned: "finance costs are very high, infrastructure construction is slowing, manufacturing is slowing, the economy is slowing." 他警告称:“融资成本非常高,而基础设施建设在放缓、制造业在放缓、经济在放缓。”
The role of religious-scholar consultants is to sustain the fiction of conducting a different type of finance, while keeping the associated transaction costs of that fiction minimal. 宗教学者应邀担任顾问,其作用就是支撑一个幌子,向外界表明这是一种不同类型的金融活动,并将这个幌子中的关联交易成本维持在最低水平。
While we are confident of our future profitable growth, performance in the interim will inevitably be affected by the increases in finance and initial start-up costs. 我们对集团长远的盈利和增长具有十足信心,但发展过程中由于财务及起动成本增加,短期业绩难免受到影响。
Besides saving Shanghai from a divine sibling, it is also a rational way to finance long-lived infrastructure, spreading costs over the same period as the benefits. 除了能够维护上海作为一个有先知的同胞身份外,发行公债也是给年限较长的基础设施建设和依据效益分配同期支出而提供资金支持的合理方式。
They are non-fee paying independent schools, set up by the Government with the help of business sponsors who finance a large proportion of the initial capital costs and develop links with the schools. 这类学校是免费的,由国家建立,商家赞助出资作为启动资金并帮学校发展与各学校的联系。
In the future, taxes must also finance personal health and security costs. 将来,税收还应该用来支持医疗保健和社会保障的开支。
We should worry as much about the inability of new companies to raise venture capital as about that of existing giants to finance legacy costs. 我们既应担心目前的企业巨擘无法为遗留成本融资的问题,也应担心新公司无法筹集风险资本的问题。
Suppliers ask for payments without delay and that adds to our finance costs, Mr Liu said. 供货商要求即刻付款,这增加了我们的财务成本,刘道松说。
Therefore, will be computed the funds cost allotment of by the EVA in homework the calculating product cost removes the traditional finance data and traditional costs to check the distortion influence of system to the product cost. 因此,将由EVA计算出的资金成本分配于作业中计算的产品成本消除了传统财务数据及传统成本核算体系对产品成本的扭曲影响。
Budget management is integral part of enterprise management, it plays an important role in efficiently programming and controlling finance activity, in collocating finance resource and reducing its internal organization costs and in realizing finance objective. 企业预算管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,它对有效地规划和控制企业财务活动,合理配置企业财务资源降低企业内部组织成本,实现财务目标有着十分重要的作用。
Under such model, the target of corporate finance is to maximize the enterprise's value. The weighted average costs of funds must be cut down to minimum to realize the best financial structure. 在共同治理的模式下,财务管理的目标是企业价值最大化,要使企业价值最大,在其他条件不变的情况下,必须使加权平均资金成本最低,而此时则达到了最优财务结构。
Conclusions are as follows. Firstly, the difficulty of private firm finance results from the information costs and the diseconomy in bank-client relationship. 结论如下:第一,民营企业融资难问题的实质在于银行承担的信息成本和长期客户关系建立难;
Meanwhile, the finance should positively bear the costs of reform and pay the costs of the changes during the transition economy by issuing long-term bonds. 财政要积极承担改革成本,可用发长债的收入直接支付改革过程中的转轨代价。
This paper analyzes the intrinsic dilemma in the Efficient Market Hypothesis, and the challenge posed by behavioral finance literature, with an emphasis on the role of costs of arbitrage and limits of arbitrage in the pricing of securities. 本文首先分析了有效资本市场理论的悖论及行为金融学对其的挑战,其中着重探讨了套利成本和套利局限性对证券价格形成的影响。
And at the same time, the distribution of enterprises 'income was tilted toward consumption, while the burden of national finance becomes bigger and bigger with consumption-swelling which pushes prices soaring with costs of products raised. 与此同时出现了企业分配向消费倾斜,国家财政包袱越背越大的格局,出现了消费膨胀,从需求方面拉动物价上涨,从供给方面推动成本上升从而物价上涨。
Lowering the rates of ETR can lessen the burden of public finance, but at the same time, it increased the costs of exports and the goods became less competitive internationally. 退税率下降虽减轻了财政负担,但却加大了出口货物成本,降低了我国商品在国际市场上的竞争力。
The village organization manages the public affairs from which all the villagers can benefit, so the village public finance should burden the operating costs. 然而,由于村级组织管理的是村庄内部的公共事务,其受益对象为本社区全体村民,故其运行成本也应由村级公共财政负担。
The government increase the finance input on education, decrease the non-compulsory education costs of individual and the families is the presupposition of establishing effective education assistance system. 国家增加对教育的财政性投入,降低家庭和个人的非义务教育成本负担是建立有效教育救助制度的一个前提性工作。
Discussion what factors decide the corporate finance costs are importantly to the enterprises reasonable financing. 探讨企业融资成本受哪些因素决定对于企业合理进行融资具有重要意义。